Pietro Lombardi Address and Contact Number

Pietro Lombardi Contact Phone Number is : +49 30 2060708238

and Address is Karlsruhe, Germany.
Pietro Lombardi is a German singer and television personality. He was the winner of season 8 of Deutschland sucht den Superstar. He is best known for his R&B songs and ballads. His debut single, "Call My Name", was released in 2011 and went platinum. It reached number one in the charts in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Lombardi won the 2011 season of the German talent show Deutschland sucht den Superstar (DSDS). Lombardi has collaborated with some of the biggest names in German music, including rapper Kay One. With his charming personality and likable presence, Pietro shines not only as a singer but also as a judge on DSDS. He masterfully takes his audience on a musical journey filled with passion, energy, and emotion. Pietro Lombardi is a German singer who is preparing for a big live tour in 2025. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Pietro Lombardi is mentioned in below section.

Address of Pietro Lombardi

The address of Pietro Lombardi is Karlsruhe, Germany..

Contact Number of Pietro Lombardi

The contact number of Pietro Lombardi is +49 30 2060708238.

Email Address of Pietro Lombardi

The email address of Pietro Lombardi is pietro@markus-krampe.de.

Website of Pietro Lombardi

The Website of Pietro Lombardi is www.pietrolombardimusic.de.

Contact Person of Pietro Lombardi

The contact person of Pietro Lombardi is Pietro Lombardi.

Pietro Lombardi Source of Knowledge

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