Ouachita Baptist University Address and Contact Number

Ouachita Baptist University Contact Phone Number is : (870) 245-5000

and Address is 410 Ouachita Street, Arkadelphia, AR 71998, United States
Ouachita Baptist University is a private liberal arts undergraduate institution located in Arkadelphia, Arkansas,US. It was established in 1886. It was named after Ouachita River, which flows near the eastern Campus boundary. The University is affiliated with the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. The University is located in an area of 160 acres. The University has been arranged into eight academic Schools such as Hickingbotham School of Business, Chelsey and Elizabeth Pruett School of Christian Studies, Michael D. Huckabee School of Education, School of Fine arts, Sutton School of Social Sciences, J. D. Patterson School of Natural Sciences, and School of Humanities. Ouachita Baptist University offers 64 degree Programs. The address and contact number of Ouachita Baptist University is also used for Ouachita Baptist University street address, Ouachita Baptist University tuition, Ouachita Baptist University tiger tunes, Ouachita Baptist University jobs, Ouachita Baptist University bookstore, Ouachita Baptist University baseball, Ouachita Baptist University Football and Ouachita Baptist University Football schedule. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Ouachita Baptist University is mentioned in below section.

Address of Ouachita Baptist University

The address of Ouachita Baptist University is 410 Ouachita Street, Arkadelphia, AR 71998, United States.

Contact Number of Ouachita Baptist University

The contact number of Ouachita Baptist University is (870) 245-5000.

Email Address of Ouachita Baptist University

The email address of Ouachita Baptist University is .

Website of Ouachita Baptist University

The Website of Ouachita Baptist University is www.obu.edu.

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Ouachita Baptist University Address Contact Number
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