Omar Al Abdallat Address and Contact Number

Omar Al Abdallat Contact Phone Number is : +962 (708) 509-8888

and Address is Working hours. Capital Post Directorate, Down Town Amman, 11118, Amman/ Down Town, Jordan.
Omar Al-Abdallat is a Jordanian singer-songwriter credited with popularizing Bedouin music. He has produced and/or performed a number of patriotic Jordan standards, including "Hashimi, Hashimi" and "Jeishana", and traditional Jordanian songs. He has produced and/or performed a number of patriotic Jordan standards, including "Hashimi, Hashimi" and "Jeishana", and traditional Jordanian songs. He represented his country in events throughout the world and is popular in some cities of other Arab countries. He is known for his work popularizing Bedouin music and writing patriotic songs. Al-Abdallat has written some of Jordan's most iconic patriotic songs, including "Hashimi, Hashimi" and "Jeishana". Al-Abdallat is known for popularizing Bedouin music and representing Jordan in events around the world. He has performed and produced many patriotic Jordanian songs, including "Hashimi, Hashimi" and "Jeishana". He is also popular in some cities of other Arab countries. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Omar Al Abdallat is mentioned in below section.

Address of Omar Al-Abdallat

The address of Omar Al-Abdallat is Working hours. Capital Post Directorate, Down Town Amman, 11118, Amman/ Down Town, Jordan..

Contact Number of Omar Al-Abdallat

The contact number of Omar Al-Abdallat is +962 (708) 509-8888.

Email Address of Omar Al-Abdallat

The email address of Omar Al-Abdallat is

Website of Omar Al-Abdallat

The Website of Omar Al-Abdallat is

Contact Person of Omar Al-Abdallat

The contact person of Omar Al-Abdallat is Omar Al-Abdallat.

Omar Al Abdallat Source of Knowledge
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