Nfl Commissioner Address and Contact Number

Nfl Commissioner Contact Phone Number is : (212) 450-2000, Fax 212 681-7599

and Address is 280 Park Avenue, 15th floor New York, NY 10017, United States
The Commissioner of the NFL is the chief executive offICEr of the National Football League. Roger S Goodell is the Commissioner of the NFL. The National Football League (NFL) is a professional Football league based in The United States. The League consists of 32 Football teams. It was formed on 20 August 1920 as American Professional Football Conference and on 17 September 1920, it became American Professional Football Association. On 24 June it was again renamed from American Professional Football Association to its current name, the National Football League. The address and contact number of Nfl Commissioner is also used for NFL Commissioner salary, NFL Commissioner twitter, NFL Commissioner job description, NFL Commissioner exempt list, NFL Commissioner before goo dell, NFL Commissioner press conference, NFL Commissioner roger goo dell’s salary and NFL Commissioner net worth. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Nfl Commissioner is mentioned in below section.

Address of Nfl Commissioner

The address of Nfl Commissioner is 280 Park Avenue, 15th floor New York, NY 10017, United States.

Contact Number of Nfl Commissioner

The contact number of Nfl Commissioner is (212) 450-2000, Fax 212 681-7599.

Email Address of Nfl Commissioner

The email address of Nfl Commissioner is

Website of Nfl Commissioner

The Website of Nfl Commissioner is

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Nfl Commissioner Address Contact Number
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Mr. samuel harry taylorMar 11, 2023
Hi sir and related others; you have tough multi faceted job and are performing well. That being said i have three rule proposal todays date 3-11-23 i recently came up with they are simple and great i believe fans players league aowners and coaches will embrace i am trying to contact you my email is please get a hold as owners meeting is 3-26 thx.
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Ms. Patty TerryNov 14, 2022
Officiating is inconsistent and disruptive to games. Helmet to helmet penalty should NOT be called when a defensive player cannot control his trajectory.
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Mr. Jack RoperAug 05, 2022
You are a disgrace. Your past rulings have been inadequate on numerous occasions. You have obviously put dollars above decency, moral and ethics. Unless you take a harsher stance with Watson (among others), you will have lost an avid NFL fan.
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Ms. great wilsonMay 22, 2022
You are a corrupt scum who covered up NE cheating. You should be tarred and feathered and forced to live in disgusting Boston. YOU are yhe cheat.
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Mr. Darren CurryJan 16, 2022
Walt Anderson needs fired immediately. He tries to pass on an excuse for the officiating of the Bengals / Raiders game and it is an embarrassment to the NFL. Who does this ? Not only the TD pass after the whistle, but since when did QB roughness penalty become reviewable after they screwed up the timeout call? Fire now to keep some accountability of the game As a Cowboy fan I sure hope none of that crew ever referees again.
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Mr. Kevin RonkNov 09, 2021
It was clear that the referees in the Pittsburgh Chicago game cheated with their calls allowing Pittsburgh to win. Can you say no different than a boxing fix?

Need to get the respect of the people before you alienate all fans. What a corrupt business you people are running. Hope it dies a slow painful death.
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Ms. Jason Luehring coSep 02, 2021
Too me my concern is that the foot ball league is paying players too much. on endorsements while compaies are paying worker too low. too me right of a indoresemnet for players are and contracts are some what paid too hegh for player skill levels and thes raki lake show player on this are getting paid too much for a show of crimals and owner over paying player to pay a player to pay dirty. I think this is not a team I don't considering too play for any of my N.F.l team I will not pay player play dirty and pay him more for it it is is only name riperation for him so quit letting these people on this raki lake show quit letting them play for the n.f.l team including Xn..f.l team too and I what to design a training camp for high school student up too 1,800 football players to help with skill levels and train in a mini camp. of my white plaining too help get in my believes better players are white need mor eof them
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Mr. williamJul 16, 2021
Your salary was 44 million, that was in 2014 plus four million in bonus. How much this year. With that kind of money just how frightened are you of loosing your job. Have you saved nothing? or are you just anti-USA. Bring the games back without the politics I will never watch again, I hope you go broke.
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Mr. Mark BolesApr 30, 2021
Congratulations of getting out of your basement, welcome back to the world that you (and we) all know. Congratulations on your first hug tonight with all the mayhem this world suffered. We are all looking for a new and NORMAL football season in 2021. We all need, and want it. It was great to see you in your glory telling these young men their destiny. Awesome Thanks, and good luck this year. Sincerely, Mark Boles .
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Ms. Vannessa LehmkuhlFeb 07, 2021
Dear Roger, how can you not see the unfair calls by refs the are not calling the game with fairness to both teams. This year has been a rough year for all sports. There has been so many games the were lost do to the refs be in favor of one team. I think this really needs to be address before next season. Maybe it would be a good idea to retrain this refs to call a game fair. This makes a lot of people very upset when there team losses due to bad calls by the refs. This make me believe that they have be paid by the winning team. I am just very concern that this is going to be a on going thing if there is nothing done about it. People pay lots of money to watch there team and go to games which pays your salary. So I think you should be doing something about the unfairness in the games. Or maybe you just done care about it. Which ever please take notice and do something about the refs and make the changes to make the games fair. Thank You for your time Vannessa.
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Mr. PAUL HOWELLNov 22, 2020
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Mr. Roger HinckleySep 10, 2020
Well here we go again, could not get passed the opening. If the players want to use their status that's ok. Its the United States of America. Not a third world country. With everything going on cant we just play football? This country has given the players an opportunity to play a sport and make money at it. But the disinterest I saw tonight, truly hoping for a better season, I realize it is not going to happen. No the NFL is off. No money from me for anything. Very disappointed. Enjoy the season.
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Mr. Alan HeidtmanSep 10, 2020
Already the NFL season is over in my book After having the broadcast announcers immediatley start pandering to the Burn, Loot and, Murder crowd you have turned a beloved sport of millions of fans into a side show of politics We spend money on a pure product, not a product that panders to the 13%. Better start reducing the ad buy rate because viewership is going to go the route of the NBA on TNT I for one as a 49er Faithful am saying goodbye to the NFL and letting your advertisers know exactly why.
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Mr. Carl MillerSep 10, 2020
I will no longer be watching any NFL events nor purchasing any NFL gear. While the players are kneeling I'll be standing for our country. I do not watch sports to get political statements, I watch it for the enjoyment of the game. I do not understand why the NFL just didn't remain neutral and stay out of social issues. Goodbye for good,
Carl Miller .
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Mr. Robin LawrenceSep 10, 2020
I will not be watching any football
I am sick of the anti american sick demented agenda being infiltrated into the nfl there is no place for this ignorance
roger goodell should be fired immediately
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Mr. DARRELL SCOTTSep 10, 2020
Ive been a long time football fan, but not no more when sports starts making political statements it is time to stop watching sports are not a place for politics they are suppose to be place to go to get away from politics By putting statement on helmets The NFL is is the same as, , blm, to me you are supporting them when, , all lives matter, an blue lives matter also, SO LONG NFL NOW I HAVE MORE TIME DO DO OTHER THINGS. LIKE GO OUTSIDE AN SMELL FREASH AIR YOU JUST MADE THE AIR NON BREATHABLE, I CANT BREATHE, .
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Mr. PeteSep 03, 2020
I played football as a kid and really enjoyed watching football on TV. This past season I was just starting to watch football again after the kneeling issues. Now they can kneel and put messages on their uniform I watched Football for entertainment not to hear / watch someones political agenda. Guess you can not even get away from when watching a sports event. Military / law enforcement / mechanics / doctors nurses restaurant workers and the list goes on of jobs where people wear uniforms and do not advertise their political agenda. You have lost me as an NFL fan. IM DONE I WILL NEVER AGAIN WATCH FOOTBALL AGAIN.
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Mr. Alan HeidtmanAug 28, 2020
Ryan tannehill should be held in check by Rodger Goodell, his ignorance of America's history is astounding Once again the NFL will learn the hard way, Get Woke, Go Broke No fans in the stands to watch his lameness and no revenue when nobody watches inferior players kneeling and pandering to the Burn, Loot and Murder crowds means no NFL at all next year Pull your head out of your *ss Nobody wants politics mixed with sports The NBA is imploding as we watch the pandering of LeBron to the Chinese as their slave labor makes their NIKE uniforms A life long 49er faithful, but no more. The BLM flag over Levi Stadium was reason enough to burn all my Niner gear and not watching at all this seasonPander to the 13% and the nation burns.
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Ms. Amy SpeidelAug 23, 2020
No longer will watch games or buy merchandise. My sons are doing the same. They are 37 and 39. They live in Houston, go to games, buy tons of merchandise. I want sports NOT your politics. Get back to the game.
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Mr. john cAug 16, 2020
You are a coward. You have allowed a one sided view of police to taint the entire league with misguided rage. You have allowed the playesr to kneel during the National Anthem and disrespect our flag. Further, in kneeling, you have allowed these misguided players to actually protest the very flag and nation that allows a low intellect, but physically gifted man to become a wealthy person while playing a little boys game. You have allowed a narrative that demonizes all police and in a very fascist way; forces all white people to admit that they are racist simply for being born white. First of all, I am from New York. The north fought to free the slaves. How is it it that a person who never owned a slave and can not connect any family members who did, be held responsible for an era that ended 150 years ago. I WATCHED football to escape politics. Ill need a new escape as myself and millions more say enough. Ratings will plummet and never recover. You did this by being a coward.
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Ms. Jory BamvakaisJul 25, 2020
I think you have out done yourself. I like many millions others are the REAL FANS. Not the violent, murderous, race hating group and movements like BLM. You have givenin. The whole George Floyd thing was awful. No will deny that. But all this other things going on are way past that. Colin Kaepernick hated and still hates America he USED the NFL and played you all as fools. Then he tried to weasel his way back in. I love football I love the Pittsburgh Steelers. Right now not a Fan. Millions of money lost on NFLs decision to "take a knee" in support of a group that says black lives matter. Not when they kill their own. Look at Chicago, Portland, St. Louis and other large cities. Its disrespectful and disgraceful. You are slapping everyone's family in the face who have lost a loved one in these not so peaceful protest. Go tell the families of babies how you support their murderers. Judgement day will come.
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Mr. Austin paulsenMar 18, 2020
Yes thinking the green Bay Packers should do draft from Virginia tech and virgina and draft linebackers from michigan and least draft another quarterback and third round Boise State ten round safeties alabama
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Ms. Ruth LindgrenFeb 07, 2020
The half time show for the super bowl was XXX rated with children in the audience. The outfits were like those that strippers wear. When the girls started humping one another it was a real turn off President Theodore Roosevelt stated that English is the language of the land. J could not understand the words as my grandparents when they immigrated here they had to learn English. This is America and we have had many brave soldiers dying for this land not Mexico This is the last super bowl I will have on in this house and if the other half time shows become Spanish you will have lost me as i am a football nut and will only watch the Canadian teams and the Gray cup game.
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Mr. Joe VarcaFeb 03, 2020
Mr commissioner the SuperBowl Half Time show was a disgrace. Do you have ANY input as far as to the acts shown? Or is it a MONEY ISSUE?
NFL is short for NOT FOR LONG.
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Ms. Theresa GerFeb 03, 2020
2020 jlo performance is utterly disgusting. So much for the Meetoo movement. Family hour. She is a baby mama many times over 50+ in age and she plops out her butt and then slides down fingering herself at her 'front box' straight at the camera shot I thought she was going to stick that silver baton up her vagina. Then she runs over and does a pole dance. How will Superbowl halftime for 2021 top that? relieving herself on stage?
The vulgarity and utter disregard for human decency is plainly shown the indulgence of entitlement of arrogance.
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Mr. Karl NystromDec 29, 2019
WHY DO THE SEAHAWKS HAVE TO DEFEAT TWO TEAMS EVERY WEEK? THE OPPOSING TEAM AND THE RIGGED REFS Two good eyes and still cant see. Holding in the last two min not called so the 49rs won I see this stuff week after week I am tired of the cheating I thought I would try one more season, Nope the refs cheating too much this is all rigged I'll never view another NFL GAME I HATE CHEATERS YOU DO REMEMBER THE CHEATER TEAM THE AT TOM BRADY CHEATS FOR.
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Mr. Peter TimothyDec 09, 2019
Your referees are terrible, where did you get them from an old folks home? Three awful calls in the Pats vs Chiefs game I feel like this is becoming more and more rigged. I am not a Pats fan I'm just sick and tired of all the terrible calls in the NFL. These officials need to be trained better What a scam.
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Mr. No Friggin LongerNov 20, 2019
R. G., your a joke, end of my story. I'm done with WWE NFL.
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Mr. mitch albertNov 17, 2019
I find it odd that Garrett is suspended and Rudolph skates when he TRIED, but failed to take Garrett's helmet off. Just because he failed to do so the intent was the same. The NFL is soft and face it, you may as well play flag football. Gone are the days when players were stitched up on the side lines and go back out a play. Now we have Turf Toe. Broken finger. Players from the old days would laugh at these spoon fed spoiled players. Guess i will start watching a real man's sport like Hockey. Now those guys mean business. No sissys in that sport.
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