Nesreen Tafesh Address and Contact Number
Nesreen Tafesh Contact Phone Number is : +44 7958181888
and Address is Raheb Bouhaira Street, Old City Aleppo, Syria and correspondence, 1 Riding House, London, England, United Kingdom.Nesreen Tafesh is an Algerian-Palestinian actress and singer born in Syria. Nesreen Tafesh is a Palestinian actress and model who has gained significant fame in the Arab world for her exceptional acting skills and her stunning looks. Nesreen Tafesh is a Syrian actress and singer who released her first single, "Metghayar Alayi", in 2017. She is endowed with a beautiful voice that she refined by training and performing in her dramatic works. She's presented Inti ahla (You Are More Beautiful) with the Syrian famous band Kilna Sawa and the stars Amal Arafa and Basil Al Khatib. She is considered the first and only Arabic actress to establish a diversified family magazine under her name Nisrina (the white rose); the singular of Nisrine (the white roses.) The magazine was a hit and distributed in Syria and Lebanon before it stopped at her peak due to the agonized events in Syria. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Nesreen Tafesh is mentioned in below section.
Address of Nesreen Tafesh
The address of Nesreen Tafesh is Raheb Bouhaira Street, Old City Aleppo, Syria and correspondence, 1 Riding House, London, England, United Kingdom..Contact Number of Nesreen Tafesh
The contact number of Nesreen Tafesh is +44 7958181888.Email Address of Nesreen Tafesh
The email address of Nesreen Tafesh is of Nesreen Tafesh
The Website of Nesreen Tafesh is Person of Nesreen Tafesh
The contact person of Nesreen Tafesh is Nesreen Tafesh.Email this information
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