Natalie Du Toit Address and Contact Number

Natalie Du Toit Contact Phone Number is : +27 874051825

and Address is 72 Regency Dr, Pretoria, 0137, South Africa
Natalie du Toit OIG MBE is a South African swimmer. She is best known for the gold medals she won at the 2004 Paralympic Games as well as the Commonwealth Games. She was one of two Paralympians to compete at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing; the other being table tennis player Natalia Partyka. In 2010, du Toit became the first African woman to receive this award. She was recognized for breaking down barriers between able-bodied and disabled sports. In 2009, President Zuma awarded du Toit this honor, which is the highest award a South African athlete can receive. In 2013, du Toit received this award for her contributions to Paralympic sport. Du Toit was also a spokesperson for keeping illegal drugs out of sports and gave motivational speeches. Natalie du Toit is now a brand builder and social media expert in Cape Town, South Africa. She helps businesses grow their brand through digital marketing and content creation. Her services include: Creating engaging social media posts, Improving search engine optimization, and Building innovative strategies. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Natalie Du Toit is mentioned in below section.

Address of Natalie Du Toit

The address of Natalie Du Toit is 72 Regency Dr, Pretoria, 0137, South Africa.

Contact Number of Natalie Du Toit

The contact number of Natalie Du Toit is +27 874051825.

Email Address of Natalie Du Toit

The email address of Natalie Du Toit is

Website of Natalie Du Toit

The Website of Natalie Du Toit is

Contact Person of Natalie Du Toit

The contact person of Natalie Du Toit is Natalie du Toit.

Natalie Du Toit Source of Knowledge
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