Nasri Atweh Address and Contact Number

Nasri Atweh Contact Phone Number is : +1 (818) 505-3816

and Address is 12100 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1540 in Los Angeles, CA.
Nasri Tony Atweh, known mononymously as Nasri, is a Canadian musician, singer, songwriter, and record producer. He currently resides in Los Angeles, California. In 2012, he earned the Grammy Award for Best R&B Album for his production work on Chris Brown's F.A.M.E.. He also received a Latin Grammy for Best Pop Vocal Album and the Grammy Award for Best Latin Pop Album for his work on Shakira's El Dorado. Nasri Atweh, the lead singer of the reggae fusion band MAGIC!, achieved global success after their 2014 song "Rude" topped the Billboard Hot 100 for six weeks. Nasri Atweh, the lead singer and guitarist of the Canadian reggae fusion band Magic!, is known for his songwriting, production, and comfort across genre. He currently resides in Los Angeles, California. He is the lead vocalist and songwriter for the reggae fusion band, Magic!, a group consisting of fellow Toronto natives, Mark Pellizzer, Alex Tanas, and Ben Spivak. MAGIC!'s single "Rude" became a major international hit single. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Nasri Atweh is mentioned in below section.

Address of Nasri Atweh

The address of Nasri Atweh is 12100 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1540 in Los Angeles, CA..

Contact Number of Nasri Atweh

The contact number of Nasri Atweh is +1 (818) 505-3816.

Email Address of Nasri Atweh

The email address of Nasri Atweh is

Website of Nasri Atweh

The Website of Nasri Atweh is Not Known.

Contact Person of Nasri Atweh

The contact person of Nasri Atweh is Wassim Slaiby.

Nasri Atweh Source of Knowledge

Not Known
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