Nadmo Address and Contact Number

Nadmo Contact Phone Number is : +23321780221, Fax : +233 21772926

and Address is Parliament House, OSU - Accra Ghana, Ghana
The National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) was formed in 1996 as a Government agency under an act of Parliament. The organization is accountable for the management of disasters and other emergencies in Ghana and performed under the Ghana's Ministry of Interior. The National Disaster Management Organization is a part of the Ghana Ministry of Interior. The representatives of the organization are belong to the Ministries of health, Ministries of Finance, Ministries of Social Welfare, Ministries of Interior, Ministries of Information, Ministries of National Mobilization Program, Ministries of Ghana Armed Forces and Ministries of non-Governmental organizations. Various functions performed by the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) included offering rehabilitation Services to the sufferers of disasters, mobilization of people to support Governmental Programmes, guaranteeing the readiness of the nation in the control of disasters and managing the actions of various Government and non-Governmental organizations in the control of disasters. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Nadmo is mentioned in below section.

Address of Nadmo

The address of Nadmo is Parliament House, OSU - Accra Ghana, Ghana.

Contact Number of Nadmo

The contact number of Nadmo is +23321780221, Fax : +233 21772926.

Email Address of Nadmo

The email address of Nadmo is

Website of Nadmo

The Website of Nadmo is

Nadmo Address Contact Number
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