Mohammed Azharuddin Address and Contact Number

Mohammed Azharuddin Contact Phone Number is : 01124647790

and Address is C1/12, Lodhi Garden, New Delhi
Mohammed Azharuddin, fondly known as Azza was born on 8 February 1963 in Hyderabad, Telangana. He was born to Mohammed Asaduddin and Yousuf Sultana. He completed his schooling from All Saint High School and earned Bachelor of Commerce degree from Nizam College, Osmania University. Azharuddin spent most of his childhood with his grandfather in Musheerabad. He got married to Naureen in 1987 with whom he has two sons, Mohammad Asaduddin and Mohammad Ayazuddin (died in 2011). He divorced Naureen in 1966 and married actress and model Sangeeta Bijlani but got divorced in 2010. In 2017, He married Shannon Marie. He made his debut for the Indian Cricket team in 1984 Test cricket by scoring 110 against England and made his ODI debut in 1985. In 1989, he got appointed as captain of Indian cricket team. Azharuddin made his first appearance in Indian politics in 2009. He joined Indian National Congress on 19 February 2009, and became member of Parliament by winning general elections from Moradabad, Uttar Pradesh. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Mohammed Azharuddin is mentioned in below section.

Address of Mohammed Azharuddin

The address of Mohammed Azharuddin is C1/12, Lodhi Garden, New Delhi.

Contact Number of Mohammed Azharuddin

The contact number of Mohammed Azharuddin is 01124647790.

Email Address of Mohammed Azharuddin

The email address of Mohammed Azharuddin is

Website of Mohammed Azharuddin

The Website of Mohammed Azharuddin is

Contact Person of Mohammed Azharuddin

The contact person of Mohammed Azharuddin is Mohammed Azharuddin.

Mohammed Azharuddin Source of Knowledge
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