Miriam Nagl Address and Contact Number
Miriam Nagl Contact Phone Number is : +49 176 34343205
and Address is Gasse 31B79244 Munstertal, Schwarzwald, GermanyMiriam Nagl is a Brazilian professional golfer who currently plays on the Ladies European Tour. Nagl was born in Curitiba, Brazil. Her family moved to Germany when she was eight years old and she represented Germany until 2015. She played on the Futures Tour in 2002, winning twice. She played on the LPGA Tour from 2003 to 2008 and on the Ladies European Tour from 2005 to 2009. After returning to the Futures Tour for 2010 and 2011, she has played on the Ladies European Tour since 2012. In 2016, she won the Moss Vale Ladies Classic on the ALPG Tour. Nagl took part in the 2016 Summer Olympics in her native country. She currently plays on the Ladies European Tour. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Miriam Nagl is mentioned in below section.
Address of Miriam Nagl
The address of Miriam Nagl is Gasse 31B79244 Munstertal, Schwarzwald, Germany.Contact Number of Miriam Nagl
The contact number of Miriam Nagl is +49 176 34343205.Email Address of Miriam Nagl
The email address of Miriam Nagl is info@miriam-ernst.com.Website of Miriam Nagl
The Website of Miriam Nagl is en.miriamnagl.com.Contact Person of Miriam Nagl
The contact person of Miriam Nagl is Miriam Nagl.Email this information
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