Milton Nascimento Address and Contact Number

Milton Nascimento Contact Phone Number is : +55 21 97520.5759

and Address is Rio de Janeiro, Brazil · Três Pontas, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Milton Silva Campos do Nascimento, also known as Bituca, is a Brazilian singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist. Nascimento has won five Grammy Awards, including Best World Music Album for his album Nascimento in 1998. Nascimento's many achievements include Grammy nominations for his O Planeta Blue na Estrada do Sol in 1992, and in 1995 for his Warner Bros. debut, Angelus. Nascimento is also winner of the 1992 Down Beat International Critics' Poll and the 1991 Down Beat Readers' Poll. Milton also found fame with his falsetto and tonal range, his voice being described as 'haunting' and 'something from heaven. ' His beautiful song 'Coração de Estudante' was in memory of the student Edson Luís who was killed by police officers in 1968. Milton Nascimento is still writing and singing, but he is no longer touring. His 2022 farewell tour, A Última Sessão de Música, marked the end of his live performances. However, he has collaborated with jazz prodigy Esperanza Spalding on a new album. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Milton Nascimento is mentioned in below section.

Address of Milton Nascimento

The address of Milton Nascimento is Rio de Janeiro, Brazil · Três Pontas, Minas Gerais, Brazil..

Contact Number of Milton Nascimento

The contact number of Milton Nascimento is +55 21 97520.5759.

Email Address of Milton Nascimento

The email address of Milton Nascimento is or

Website of Milton Nascimento

The Website of Milton Nascimento is

Contact Person of Milton Nascimento

The contact person of Milton Nascimento is Augusto Kesrouani Nascimento.

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