Mika Newton Address and Contact Number

Mika Newton Contact Phone Number is : +1 416-944-8200

and Address is 406 61st St in Oakland, CA 94609, USA.
Oksana Stefanivna Hrytsai is a singer from the city of Burshtyn, Ukraine. Born and raised in Ukraine, she is currently based in Los Angeles, California. Mika Newton's electrifying vocals and captivating stage presence made her one of the most respected and popular artists in her native Ukraine. Newton was chosen to represent Ukraine in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2011 in Düsseldorf, Germany, singing Ruslan Kvinta and Maryna Skomorohova's "Angel". The final national selection of participants from Ukraine for Eurovision was broadcast on First National Television Channel. Newton's performance at the 56th Annual Eurovision Song Contest made her a European sensation. She moved to Los Angeles in 2011 to pursue singing and acting. Mika Newton, a Ukrainian singer and actress, has been praised for her electrifying vocals and captivating stage presence. Ukrainian singer and actress Mika Newton is currently based in Los Angeles, California and is pursuing her singing and acting career. She is known for her captivating stage presence and electrifying vocals. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Mika Newton is mentioned in below section.

Address of Mika Newton

The address of Mika Newton is 406 61st St in Oakland, CA 94609, USA..

Contact Number of Mika Newton

The contact number of Mika Newton is +1 416-944-8200.

Email Address of Mika Newton

The email address of Mika Newton is info@mikanewton@gmail.com.

Website of Mika Newton

The Website of Mika Newton is Not Known.

Contact Person of Mika Newton

The contact person of Mika Newton is Mika Newton.

Mika Newton Source of Knowledge

Not Known
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