Michio Kaku Address and Contact Number

Michio Kaku Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is San Jose, California, United States
Michio Kaku was born on 24 January, 1947 renowned for popularizing science is an American born Theoretical Physicist. He was born in San Jose, California and his ancestors belong to Tibet. He works as a Professor at the City College of New York also, he holds the Henry Semat Chair position. He is a multi-talented personality playing different roles as an author of many best –seller books based on Physics, Futurist, TV & Radio Personality, Blogger and Popularizer of Science. He has an extensive knowledge gives speeches, writes articles and blogs on related topics. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Michio Kaku is mentioned in below section.

Address of Michio Kaku

The address of Michio Kaku is San Jose, California, United States.

Contact Number of Michio Kaku

The contact number of Michio Kaku is NA.

Email Address of Michio Kaku

The email address of Michio Kaku is .

Website of Michio Kaku

The Website of Michio Kaku is www.mkaku.org.

Contact Person of Michio Kaku

The contact person of Michio Kaku is Michio Kaku.
Michio Kaku Address Contact Number
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