Michael Erlewine Address and Contact Number

Michael Erlewine Contact Phone Number is : +1 (901) 748-1811

and Address is 3197 Via Buena Vis Unit B, Laguna Woods, CA 92637, USA
John Michael Erlewine is an American musician, astrologer, photographer, TV host, publisher and Internet entrepreneur who founded the music online database site AllMusic in 1991. Michael Erlewine is an award-winning popular culture archivist, musician, and astrologer. He is known for founding AllMusic.com, AllMovie.com, and other large internet sites. He is also known for his close-up photography. Born July 18, 1941 in Lancaster, PA, Erlewine settled in the Ann Arbor, MI area with his family in the mid-'50s. By the end of the decade, he had become interested in folk music. He began hanging out with members of the Ann Arbor folk scene, including Howard Abrahams, Mark Silber, and Perry Lederman, among others. Erlewine is also known for his work as a photographer, TV host, and internet entrepreneur. He has written more than 40 books on astrology and related topics. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Michael Erlewine is mentioned in below section.

Address of Michael Erlewine

The address of Michael Erlewine is 3197 Via Buena Vis Unit B, Laguna Woods, CA 92637, USA.

Contact Number of Michael Erlewine

The contact number of Michael Erlewine is +1 (901) 748-1811.

Email Address of Michael Erlewine

The email address of Michael Erlewine is michael@erlewine.net.

Website of Michael Erlewine

The Website of Michael Erlewine is michaelerlewine.com.

Contact Person of Michael Erlewine

The contact person of Michael Erlewine is Michael Erlewine.

Michael Erlewine Source of Knowledge

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