Mercy Akide Address and Contact Number

Mercy Akide Contact Phone Number is : +1 (803)-337-5224

and Address is 3485 Landstown Ct, Virginia Beach VA 23453, USA
Mercy Joy Akide Udoh is a Nigerian former footballer who played as a midfielder for the Nigeria women's national football team. In 2001, she was named the first African Women Footballer of the Year, and was a 1999 and 2004 FIFA World All-Star. Mercy Akide, from Port Harcourt, Nigeria, holds three Milligan soccer records: goals in a single game (7), goals in a single season (42) and points in a single season (99). She was the first African player, male or female, to play in the Women's Professional Soccer League in the United States. Akide's records include being the first African woman to score a goal in the FIFA Women's World Cup, she's also the first to win the Female African footballer of the year award. Akide is as infectious as they come. Her warmth, smile, and laugh shows a side of her personality that many might not automatically associate with Nigeria's people.Akide was inducted into the United Soccer Leagues' Hall of Fame in 2013. Akide, who was on the cover of the 1999 Women's World Cup official program, married Colin Udoh in 2004. They currently reside in Virginia Beach, Virginia, with two children. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Mercy Akide is mentioned in below section.

Address of Mercy Akide

The address of Mercy Akide is 3485 Landstown Ct, Virginia Beach VA 23453, USA.

Contact Number of Mercy Akide

The contact number of Mercy Akide is +1 (803)-337-5224.

Email Address of Mercy Akide

The email address of Mercy Akide is

Website of Mercy Akide

The Website of Mercy Akide is

Contact Person of Mercy Akide

The contact person of Mercy Akide is Mercy Akide.

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