Matteo Romano Address and Contact Number
Matteo Romano Contact Phone Number is : +39 335 603 9018
and Address is 5th Floor, 22 Eastcheap, London, United Kingdom, EC3M 1EU.Matteo Romano is an Italian singer-songwriter.Romano is a rising talent in the Pop and Indie Pop genres with soulful vocals and adept guitar work. His music career began in 2020 when he released a preview of what will become his debut single "Concedimi" on the social-media which was a huge success.Italian pop and indie pop musician Matteo Romano has worked with a number of notable artists over his career. Matteo has been showing his creative flair since he was a child by studying percussion and guitar first and then adding piano and singing (which he instantly recognized as his true calling). In 2018 and 2019, he took part in the Next Talent contest in his hometown and was awarded on both occasions as best performer. Matteo Romano was born and raised in Cuneo and currently lives in Milan, where he moved to pursue his university studies in marketing and communication. Matteo Romano was born and raised in Cuneo and currently lives in Milan, where he moved to pursue his university studies in marketing and communication. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Matteo Romano is mentioned in below section.
Address of Matteo Romano
The address of Matteo Romano is 5th Floor, 22 Eastcheap, London, United Kingdom, EC3M 1EU..Contact Number of Matteo Romano
The contact number of Matteo Romano is +39 335 603 9018.Email Address of Matteo Romano
The email address of Matteo Romano is of Matteo Romano
The Website of Matteo Romano is Person of Matteo Romano
The contact person of Matteo Romano is Matteo Romano.Email this information
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