Maria Rita Address and Contact Number

Maria Rita Contact Phone Number is : +55 18284437318

and Address is Estrada Geral, Praia Grande, State of Santa Catarina 88990-000 Brazil
Maria Rita is a Brazilian singer. Born Maria Rita Camargo Mariano, she is the daughter of famed pianist/arranger César Camargo Mariano and the late Brazilian singing legend Elis Regina and sister to Pedro Mariano and music producer João Marcelo Boscoli. Marisa is considered by Rolling Stone Brasil to be the second greatest singer, behind only Elis Regina. She also has two albums (MM and Verde, Anil, Amarelo, Cor-de-Rosa e Carvao) on the list of the 100 best albums of Brazilian music. The most acclaimed female vocalist to arise in Brazil during the 1990s, Marisa Monte is known best for her exquisite voice as well as her international popularity, yet she's also accomplished in other realms such as songwriting, production, and collaboration. Brazilian singer Marisa Monte is currently on her Portas tour, which she began in March 2022. She plans to continue the tour through the end of 2023 and create a live album based on it. In fall 2023, she returned to the U.S. after selling out venues across Europe and Brazil. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Maria Rita is mentioned in below section.

Address of Maria Rita

The address of Maria Rita is Estrada Geral, Praia Grande, State of Santa Catarina 88990-000 Brazil.

Contact Number of Maria Rita

The contact number of Maria Rita is +55 18284437318.

Email Address of Maria Rita

The email address of Maria Rita is

Website of Maria Rita

The Website of Maria Rita is

Contact Person of Maria Rita

The contact person of Maria Rita is Giovana Chanley.

Maria Rita Source of Knowledge
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