Marconi Club Address and Contact Number

Marconi Club Contact Phone Number is : (02)98223333

and Address is 121–133, Prairie Vale Road, Bossley Park
Marconi Club was officially inaugurated in 1958 by the group of Italian settlers at Prairie Vale Road, Bossley park. The club was serve the purpose of a meeting place where all the Italian Nationality civilians can meet other people and get to know more about their heritage as culture. This meeting place acts as a homeplace for Italians. The club provide extravagant facilities such as Sports, Ticketek, early learning centre, Sport lounge & TAB, Youth Driver Safety, tenins & Squash centre and gym. It also organizes various shows and events like Italian Show, Sydney Hotspots, Chestnut day, Diesel, La Fiesta Brazil and many more. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Marconi Club is mentioned in below section.

Address of Marconi Club

The address of Marconi Club is 121–133, Prairie Vale Road, Bossley Park.

Contact Number of Marconi Club

The contact number of Marconi Club is (02)98223333.

Email Address of Marconi Club

The email address of Marconi Club is

Website of Marconi Club

The Website of Marconi Club is

Marconi Club Source of Knowledge
Marconi Club Address Contact Number
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