Marawi City Address and Contact Number

Marawi City Contact Phone Number is : NA

and Address is Marawi City, Philippines
Marawi City is the only Islamic city of Philippines which was established on 16th June, 1956. Civilians of the Marawi are called as Maranaos and they speak Maranao language. Besides Maranaos, people also speak Tagalog, English and Cebuano. Due to its greater altitude as well as Cooler weather, the city is also recognized as the “Summer Capital of the South”. In Marawi City, 95% of the population belongs to Muslim caste and people are not allowed to take alcoholic products as well as gambling is also restricted there. Eye catching attractions of the city are Aga Khan Museum of Islamic arts, Bagang Beach, Agus River, etc. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Marawi City is mentioned in below section.

Address of Marawi City

The address of Marawi City is Marawi City, Philippines.

Contact Number of Marawi City

The contact number of Marawi City is NA.

Email Address of Marawi City

The email address of Marawi City is .

Website of Marawi City

The Website of Marawi City is .

Marawi City Address Contact Number
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