Manu Ginobili Address and Contact Number

Manu Ginobili Contact Phone Number is : +54 8103451102

and Address is Cordoba 367 Maciel, SANTA FE, 2208 Argentina
Emanuel David "Manu" Ginobili is an Argentine former professional basketball player. Credited for popularizing the Euro step move in the NBA, he is regarded as one of the greatest shooting guards. He was a popular player for the San Antonio Spurs and is considered one of the greatest shooting guards and sixth men in NBA history. He was inducted into the Naismith Hall of Fame in 2022. He won many awards during his 23-year career. He is a four-time NBA champion and is considered one of the greatest 6th men in NBA history. During their playing years together, the Spurs became a "model franchise" for other NBA teams. Since September 2021, GinĂ³bili had been appointed as special advisor to basketball operations for the Spurs. He retired from playing in 2018, but remains involved with the team and is often seen at practices. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Manu Ginobili is mentioned in below section.

Address of Manu Ginobili

The address of Manu Ginobili is Cordoba 367 Maciel, SANTA FE, 2208 Argentina.

Contact Number of Manu Ginobili

The contact number of Manu Ginobili is +54 8103451102.

Email Address of Manu Ginobili

The email address of Manu Ginobili is

Website of Manu Ginobili

The Website of Manu Ginobili is

Contact Person of Manu Ginobili

The contact person of Manu Ginobili is Manu Ginobili.

Manu Ginobili Source of Knowledge
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