Maninder Buttar Address and Contact Number

Maninder Buttar Contact Phone Number is : +91 9417300091

and Address is Village-Kalanwali, Haryana, India
Maninderjeet Singh Buttar is an Indian singer and songwriter known for his work in Punjabi music. His song Sakhiyaan has gathered a total of over 616 million views on YouTube. In 2015, his song Yaari was nominated for "Most Popular Song" in PTC Punjabi Music Awards. He is best known for his work in Punjabi music. He is best known for songs "Yaari", "Sakhiyaan", "Ik Tera", "Pani Di Gal"and "Laare". The Laare hitmaker is also ecstatic that Punjabi music has gained prominence in recent times, which in turn is helping the singers find wider popularity, singer Maninder Buttar has gained popularity with hit songs that have collectively clocked up billions of views on YouTube He is one of Punjab's most talented and versatile performers. His stage presence and ability to bring the crowd to their feet has made him immensely popular. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Maninder Buttar is mentioned in below section.

Address of Maninder Buttar

The address of Maninder Buttar is Village-Kalanwali, Haryana, India.

Contact Number of Maninder Buttar

The contact number of Maninder Buttar is +91 9417300091.

Email Address of Maninder Buttar

The email address of Maninder Buttar is

Website of Maninder Buttar

The Website of Maninder Buttar is Not known.

Contact Person of Maninder Buttar

The contact person of Maninder Buttar is Maninder Buttar.

Maninder Buttar Source of Knowledge

Not known
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