Malaysian Government Address and Contact Number

Malaysian Government Contact Phone Number is : +603-8000 8000

and Address is Putrajaya, Federal Territories, Malaysia
The Malaysia is a federal constitutional elective monarchy comprised of federal, State and local Government. The federal Government of Malaysia is created by the federal constitution of Malaysia and the head of the State Government is commonly known as King. The Central Government is the main authority in Malaysia and is headquartered in Putrajaya, FT, Malaysia. The central Government is headed by the Prime Minister and is known as the head of the Government. The Parliament consists of the Upper House and Lower House and in judicial System the Highest Court is the Federal Court. The Law is based on the common Law Legal System. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Malaysian Government is mentioned in below section.

Address of Malaysian Government

The address of Malaysian Government is Putrajaya, Federal Territories, Malaysia.

Contact Number of Malaysian Government

The contact number of Malaysian Government is +603-8000 8000.

Email Address of Malaysian Government

The email address of Malaysian Government is .

Website of Malaysian Government

The Website of Malaysian Government is .

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Malaysian Government Address Contact Number
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