Maize High School Address and Contact Number

Maize High School Contact Phone Number is : +1 316-722-0441

and Address is 11600 West 45th Street North, Maize, Kansas, 67101 United States
Maize High School is among the two Public high School that caters the academic needs of 9 to 12 grade Students in Maize. The School enrolls more than two thousand Students every year. Its Students takes part in 6A division, which is the biggest division in Kansas and the School has won twenty two championships in Sports. Maize High School fellows block schedule. Nate Robertson (NBA Player) is its alumni. The School was rewarded with Achievement of Excellence Awards in 2009 for science and mathematics. The address and contact number of Maize High School is also used for Maize High School Athletics, Maize High School Baseball, Maize High School Football Scores and Maize High School Football Stadium. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Maize High School is mentioned in below section.

Address of Maize High School

The address of Maize High School is 11600 West 45th Street North, Maize, Kansas, 67101 United States.

Contact Number of Maize High School

The contact number of Maize High School is +1 316-722-0441.

Email Address of Maize High School

The email address of Maize High School is .

Website of Maize High School

The Website of Maize High School is .

Maize High School Address Contact Number
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