Mais Hamdan Address and Contact Number

Mais Hamdan Contact Phone Number is : 8448822362

and Address is Marsa Zayed, Aqaba, Jordan. C19 Residential Tower, Jordan.
Mais Abdel-Jabbar Hamdan Selim, better known as Mais Hamdan, is a Jordanian actress, singer and TV presenter. Her sisters are Mai Selim and Dana Hamdan. Hamdan made her film debut in 2006 in the Egyptian film Zarf Taree (Emergency Case) and the Saudi film Keif al-Hal?. Hamdan started her career on the MBC TV show CBM. She was discovered by Ahmed Sobhy, the Director of Public Affairs at the MBC Group. Hamdan has also acted in films such as Omar & Salma and How's It Going?. She is known for her imitation skills and has imitated many famous Arab figures. Hamdan spent most of her childhood in the United Arab Emirates and later settled in Egypt with her family. This gave her the opportunity to perfect many Arabic accents, including Saudi, Kuwaiti, Jordanian, Syrian, Lebanese, and Egyptian. She has perfected many Arabic accents, including Saudi, Kuwaiti, Jordanian, Syrian, Lebanese, and Egyptian. She is known for her imitation skills and ability to perform in multiple Arabic accents. She is also known for her roles in films such as Omar & Salma and How's It Going? The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Mais Hamdan is mentioned in below section.

Address of Mais Hamdan

The address of Mais Hamdan is Marsa Zayed, Aqaba, Jordan. C19 Residential Tower, Jordan..

Contact Number of Mais Hamdan

The contact number of Mais Hamdan is 8448822362.

Email Address of Mais Hamdan

The email address of Mais Hamdan is

Website of Mais Hamdan

The Website of Mais Hamdan is

Contact Person of Mais Hamdan

The contact person of Mais Hamdan is Mais Hamdan.

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