Mahsa Vahdat Address and Contact Number

Mahsa Vahdat Contact Phone Number is : +1 (716) 250-2000

and Address is 13036 Bay area, San Francisco, California, USA
Mahsa Vahdat is a Persian classical and world music vocalist. Mahsa Vahdat's music style is contemporary expression inspired by old traditional and folk and regional music of Persia/Iran that she developed for many years and it is the result of work with many musicians from Iran and other countries.In 2010, she was granted the Freemuse Award and in 2013 her album “Twinklings of hope “together with Marjan Vahdat won Independent Music award in USA. Was born in Tehran in 1976 she Started music by taking lessons in Piano and Persian singing with different Masters in Music . Mahsa Vahdat's music style is contemporary expression inspired by old traditional and folk and regional music of Persia/Iran that she developed for many years and it is the result of work with many musicians from Iran and other countries. She writes most of her songs. While Vahdat is a global artist now, and her music is fundamentally informed by collaborative creation with other artists from around the world. Since 2007 Mahsa has been one of the ambassadors of Freemuse, an independent international organization that advocates freedom of expression for musicians and composers worldwide. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Mahsa Vahdat is mentioned in below section.

Address of Mahsa Vahdat

The address of Mahsa Vahdat is 13036 Bay area, San Francisco, California, USA.

Contact Number of Mahsa Vahdat

The contact number of Mahsa Vahdat is +1 (716) 250-2000.

Email Address of Mahsa Vahdat

The email address of Mahsa Vahdat is

Website of Mahsa Vahdat

The Website of Mahsa Vahdat is

Contact Person of Mahsa Vahdat

The contact person of Mahsa Vahdat is Mahsa Vahdat.

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