Mahavitaran Address and Contact Number
Mahavitaran Contact Phone Number is : +91022-22619100, Fax : 022-22619699
and Address is Hongkong Bank Building, MG Road, Fort, Mumbai-400001, IndiaMahavitaran is a public sector undertaking (PSU) Electricity distribution industry controlled by the Government of Maharashtra, India. It is the second largest electricity distribution utility in the world and is headquartered in the Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. It is also known as the MahaDiscom and it distributes electricity to the whole State of Maharashtra except the Mumbai city. It buys the power from MahaGenco, Private sector power generation companies, other State electricity boards or Captive Power plants. The source of power includes thermal, gas, hydro and other non-conventional sources. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Mahavitaran is mentioned in below section.
Address of Mahavitaran
The address of Mahavitaran is Hongkong Bank Building, MG Road, Fort, Mumbai-400001, India.Contact Number of Mahavitaran
The contact number of Mahavitaran is +91022-22619100, Fax : 022-22619699.Email Address of Mahavitaran
The email address of Mahavitaran is .Website of Mahavitaran
The Website of Mahavitaran is .Email this information
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