Magdalena Neuner Address and Contact Number

Magdalena Neuner Contact Phone Number is : +49 305 600 1752

and Address is Bergsonstrasse 13A, Munich, Germany
Magdalena "Lena" Holzer is a retired German professional biathlete. She is the most successful woman of all time at Biathlon World Championships and a two-time Olympic gold medalist. At the age of 21, she became the youngest Overall World Cup winner in the history of the International Biathlon Union. Regarded as one of the best cross-country skiers in the world, the German demonstrated her skiing prowess and, despite a mistake in the shooting, finished second, with a silver medal. Neuner won her first World Cup event at age 19 in the sprint race in Oberhof, Germany. She became the youngest triple-World Champion in biathlon. Neuner is a founding member of the "Peak Performer Foundation", which aims to promote "more joy in performing".Neuner is taking at-home courses on topics such as gastronomy management, stress management, and communication. She plans to create a place where people can learn from each other and exchange ideas. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Magdalena Neuner is mentioned in below section.

Address of Magdalena Neuner

The address of Magdalena Neuner is Bergsonstrasse 13A, Munich, Germany.

Contact Number of Magdalena Neuner

The contact number of Magdalena Neuner is +49 305 600 1752.

Email Address of Magdalena Neuner

The email address of Magdalena Neuner is

Website of Magdalena Neuner

The Website of Magdalena Neuner is

Contact Person of Magdalena Neuner

The contact person of Magdalena Neuner is Magdalena Neuner.

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