Macarena Simari Birkner Address and Contact Number

Macarena Simari Birkner Contact Phone Number is : +54 664 232297

and Address is Avenida Juan Domingo Peron 1406, Formosa P3600BSO Argentina
Macarena Maria Simari Birkner is a female skier from Argentina. She has represented Argentina in 2002, 2006, 2010 and the 2014 Winter Olympics, in the Alpine skiing events. he is the sister of fellow alpine skiers Cristian Simari Birkner and María Belén Simari Birkner. She was in a relationship with British former alpine skier Noel Baxter, with whom she has a child. She may strive for perfection in her skiing performance and seek validation from others for her achievements, while also being extremely personable. Simari Birkner has completed all the five Alpine Ski events in both 2010 and 2014 Winter Olympic Games, a record she shares with pluri-medalist Tina Maze. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Macarena Simari Birkner is mentioned in below section.

Address of Macarena Simari Birkner

The address of Macarena Simari Birkner is Avenida Juan Domingo Peron 1406, Formosa P3600BSO Argentina.

Contact Number of Macarena Simari Birkner

The contact number of Macarena Simari Birkner is +54 664 232297.

Email Address of Macarena Simari Birkner

The email address of Macarena Simari Birkner is

Website of Macarena Simari Birkner

The Website of Macarena Simari Birkner is

Contact Person of Macarena Simari Birkner

The contact person of Macarena Simari Birkner is Macarena Simari Birkner.

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