MLK Memorial Address and Contact Number

MLK Memorial Contact Phone Number is : +1 202-426-6841

and Address is 1964 Independence Avenue Southwest, Washington, DC 20024, United States
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial is the National memorial and 395th unit in the National park servICE of America. It is located in West Potomac park, Washington, D.C, United States. The memorial was designed by the designer Lei Yixin and is made of the white granite material. The memorial was opened on August 22, 2011 and has a height of thirty feet. The memorial is managed and administered by the National park Services and is located on 4-acre site. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of MLK Memorial is mentioned in below section.

Address of MLK Memorial

The address of MLK Memorial is 1964 Independence Avenue Southwest, Washington, DC 20024, United States.

Contact Number of MLK Memorial

The contact number of MLK Memorial is +1 202-426-6841.

Email Address of MLK Memorial

The email address of MLK Memorial is .

Website of MLK Memorial

The Website of MLK Memorial is .

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MLK Memorial Address Contact Number
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