MC Yankoo Address and Contact Number

MC Yankoo Contact Phone Number is : +43 6648681260.

and Address is 69 Shipchenski prohod blvd. 1574, Sofia, BG – Bulgaria
Aleksandar Jankovic, professionally known as MC Yankoo, is an Austrian-born Serbian rapper. In 2014, he collaborated with Serbian vocalist Milica Todorovic, for the song "Moje zlato", which was the first music video in Serbia to reach a hundred million views on YouTube. As a musician, MC Yankoo has been successful in fusing many musical genres to produce a sound that is uniquely his own. His utilization of traditional Balkan instruments and rhythms along with electronic beats and contemporary production methods define his music. MC Yankoo has received accolades as a musician for his capacity to establish a personal connection with his listeners. His songs are frequently praised for having heartfelt lyrics and an upbeat, passionate tone. Not only is MC Yankoo's music well-liked in Europe and the Balkans, but it is also becoming well-known internationally. He has worked with a variety of well-known international musicians. With gorgeous surroundings and attractive models, his music videos are a visual pleasure. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of MC Yankoo is mentioned in below section.

Address of MC Yankoo

The address of MC Yankoo is 69 Shipchenski prohod blvd. 1574, Sofia, BG – Bulgaria.

Contact Number of MC Yankoo

The contact number of MC Yankoo is +43 6648681260..

Email Address of MC Yankoo

The email address of MC Yankoo is

Website of MC Yankoo

The Website of MC Yankoo is

Contact Person of MC Yankoo

The contact person of MC Yankoo is Aleksandar Jankovic.

MC Yankoo Source of Knowledge
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