Linfield College Address and Contact Number

Linfield College Contact Phone Number is : +1 503-883-2200

and Address is 900 SE Baker Street, McMinnville, Oregon 97128, United States
Linfield College is a private Education provider Institute which is located in McMinnville, Oregon, USA. Originally the College was established in year 1858 but it had to close for various reasons. Then in 1922, the College was reopened with Financial help from the widow of Rev. George Fisher Linfield. It was named in the honour of her husband. It has two Campuses, one is at Mcminnville and one is Portland. The College offer undergraduate and graduate Programmes in Nursing, Business, arts & Humanities and social & behavioural sciences. It also offers on line Study for working adults. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Linfield College is mentioned in below section.

Address of Linfield College

The address of Linfield College is 900 SE Baker Street, McMinnville, Oregon 97128, United States.

Contact Number of Linfield College

The contact number of Linfield College is +1 503-883-2200.

Email Address of Linfield College

The email address of Linfield College is .

Website of Linfield College

The Website of Linfield College is

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Linfield College Address Contact Number
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