Lincoln Museum Address and Contact Number

Lincoln Museum Contact Phone Number is : +1 800-610-2094

and Address is 112 N 6th St Springfield, IL 62701, United States
Lincoln Museum is originally known with the name of Abraham Lincoln Presidential library and Museum. The Museum is built on a large space. The Museum contains artifacts from the Lincoln's era which he used during his lifetime and others like the one as Ford's Theatre where he stayed on the night of his assassination and the library contains a collection of about 30,000 books, things used during the American War and art exhibits. The Museum is built within the Lincoln Memorial University(LMU) to help the Students of the University. The address and contact number of Lincoln Museum is also used for Lincoln Museum Coupons, Lincoln Museum Admission, Lincoln Museum Hodgenville and Lincoln Museum Hours. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lincoln Museum is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lincoln Museum

The address of Lincoln Museum is 112 N 6th St Springfield, IL 62701, United States.

Contact Number of Lincoln Museum

The contact number of Lincoln Museum is +1 800-610-2094.

Email Address of Lincoln Museum

The email address of Lincoln Museum is .

Website of Lincoln Museum

The Website of Lincoln Museum is

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Lincoln Museum Address Contact Number
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