Lina Makoul Address and Contact Number

Lina Makoul Contact Phone Number is : +970 0545942223

and Address is 815 V St NW, 20001, Washington, DC, United States.
Lina Makoul is a Palestinian singer-songwriter and music producer. In 2013, she won The Voice Israel. Makoul's first single "This Ain't About You" was released worldwide on the April 29, 2016. The track achieved a top 10 in the UK Music-Week's Club and Pop Charts. Her second single "Dance Sucker" rose even further to No. 4 in the UK Music Week's Official Club Chart, reflecting her growing international success. Since the age of four she has loved dancing, playing the piano and singing. She is fluent five languages. She describes herself as American-Palestinian. She started studying biology at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa. Lina speaks 5 languages fluently and is considered the first Arab to win The Voice Israel, which depends on the public vote. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lina Makoul is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lina Makoul

The address of Lina Makoul is 815 V St NW, 20001, Washington, DC, United States..

Contact Number of Lina Makoul

The contact number of Lina Makoul is +970 0545942223.

Email Address of Lina Makoul

The email address of Lina Makoul is

Website of Lina Makoul

The Website of Lina Makoul is Not Known.

Contact Person of Lina Makoul

The contact person of Lina Makoul is Irit TenHengel.

Lina Makoul Source of Knowledge

Not Known
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