Levi Strauss Headquarters Address and Contact Number

Levi Strauss Headquarters Contact Phone Number is : +1 415-501-6000

and Address is 1155 Battery Street, San Francisco, California, United States ?
Levi Strauss is a clothing brand Company of United States. The Company is also Famous with other name as Levi's or LS&CO. The Company was established in year 1853 and the headquarters are located in San Francisco, California, United States. The Company produces all kinds of apparel for both men and women. These include shirts, jackets, belts, undergarments, pants, jeans, tops, t-shirts, shoes, Sweatshirts, Sweaters and Outerwear etc. The products of Levi's are so popular in interNational clothing market. Its durability and quality makes it one of the most superior brands in the world. The address and contact number of Levi Strauss Headquarters is also used for Levi Strauss Locations, Levi Signature Jeans, Levi Strauss Americas, Levi Strauss Visitor Center and Levis Strauss Corporate OffICE. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Levi Strauss Headquarters is mentioned in below section.

Address of Levi Strauss Headquarters

The address of Levi Strauss Headquarters is 1155 Battery Street, San Francisco, California, United States ?.

Contact Number of Levi Strauss Headquarters

The contact number of Levi Strauss Headquarters is +1 415-501-6000.

Email Address of Levi Strauss Headquarters

The email address of Levi Strauss Headquarters is .

Website of Levi Strauss Headquarters

The Website of Levi Strauss Headquarters is www.levistrauss.com.

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Levi Strauss Headquarters Address Contact Number
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Mr. Bob smithJul 05, 2022
R Smith po box 115 cranesville pa 16410

I've worn Levi's since I was a little kid. This may be coming to an end. I went to get Levi 501s Tried eight pair on 38 x 34 eight pair of same size and only two fit. What happened to your quality control department.
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Ms. Linda LoweMay 07, 2022
Having worn your jeans for most of my 68 year life, I was blown away today to hear that you will be paying your female employees to have abortions It sickened me to hear this I assure you, another LeviStrauss product will never touch my body again You are a disgusting company and deserve to boycotted and ultimately destroyed I know that my family and friends feel the same and just because you are a company, you who have made this decision, and you can laugh it off all you want, but you will one day stand before Almighty God with the blood of these children dripping from your hands As a company, you need to stay out of politics and “wokeness” and just sell your darn product I am sure the founders of your company would turn over in their grave if the could see what you have done to this once great company

Looking forward to your demise We don’t need companies like you in America
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Ms. Lillie KaminskiMay 07, 2022
I am so disappointed in Levi Strauss. I always loved your jeans. Now you are getting all wrapped up in this political outrage of condoning abortions. You have no business as a company promoting abortions. You have a right as an individual, but you should not push your beliefs on your employee’s
This is really sad and I will never promote your product again. Sincerely
Lillie Kaminski.
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Ms. Christine TudorMay 06, 2022
Okay, we all grew up with levi. You want to play politics? I am letting everyone I know your stance on abortion. What does that have to do with Levi's? I am a woman. You do not know what that is. Tried to call and find corporate email. This is all I could find. I will advertise for you. Parallel economy will leave you on the short end. Fyi, I have had an abortion. I was forced too. Not even the point, the convo is about when is it too late. No one with the stance of abortion can admit they would kill a baby that could sustain life on his or her own. You make me sick, will make sure, I spread the word.
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Ms. Timur GubaidulinApr 29, 2022
Dear All, Here is a proposal that I feel like sharing with You, since I care. I live in Almaty, the city in Kazakhstan. I have been visiting two Levi’s departments for at least 10 years and have learnt that there is a large gap in understanding the psychological background of the clientele overall. One of the actually existing examples refers to a staff member; I guess that her name is Zumrada. Ignoring clients, by sitting in her phone makes a client feel unhappy. I realize that is a mere result of a low level of the overall education, along with a huge lack in the social development. Should she be fired? To me, the answer is negative. What they need is a professional guidance. I hold three diplomas and would like to propose my part-time working scope for the particular two places; since I already see the issues, I can help them. Faithfully Yours, Timur
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Mr. Dr. MFeb 22, 2022
Shame on you Levi Corporation

You lost a lifetime customer of over 40 years because of how you handled and let go your Global Brand President of Levi’s Jennifer Sey. It is interesting you have no problem with her voicing her opinions about all the so called “Woke policies” which should not be condoned by Levi’s in the first place. But to speak out against public schools being closed because of Covid. Your allegiance to the ignorant beliefs and propaganda that are actually not science based in regards to Covid is disappointing. Study virology, microbiology and “real scientific studies” to see the out right lies that are being told and the forcing of an agenda against our society, our freedoms and our independence. FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE, IS THAT NOT WHAT LEVI’S ONCE REPRESENTED? THE AMERICAN SPIRT?
Get your shit together and be a proud American company again. Rehire Jennifer Sey and apologize to her and the American public. Last of all make all of your products in the USA.
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Mr. erFeb 18, 2022
I used to buy your jeans. I am Switching to WranglEr and othEr brands since I discovEr ed your policy of censoring employee speech (JennifEr Sey) and your radical leftist positions on self defense, and gun ownEr ship. Bye Bye.
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Ms. Rose BudzynFeb 17, 2022
I've worn Levi's since the 60's. Gone through probably over 100 pair. After I heard and read about what Levi's did to Jennifer Sey, I will never again buy any Levi's product and I intend to discourage others from doing so as well. Levi's has acquiesed to the intolerant leftists who preach inclusivity and diversity, but are the opposite. And that sick mentality disgusts me. You can choke on your radical politics for all I care.
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Mr. VernFeb 16, 2022
So when one of your employees speaks out for what they believe you get rid of them. Like Jennifer. I USED to wear Levis now you Now you can stick them where the sun dose not shine shine.
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Mr. EricDec 03, 2021
Elizabeth Morrison — Levi's chief diversity, equity, and inclusion officer — sent an email to employees of the San Francisco-based clothing company following the Rittenhouse verdict in Wisconsin. I’ve been buying Levi’s for 40 years, but after you’re company says this I’m moving on. Kyle was defending himself period
This is a free country to defend yourself .
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Mr. Joseph GoodmanNov 30, 2021
I've always worn levi's and I'm 53 years old, so I've spent a truck load of money on levi jeans. If you people do not stay out of politics and keep preaching equality and gun control, you can kiss my money goodby. I will never be seen in anything levi until you make a statement saying your staying out of social justice politics.
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Ms. PamNov 29, 2021
I grew up wearing Levi's. I remember going school shopping with my mother at a nearby Levitation. I was so excited to get my new Levi's
BUT when I hear this crap-
Why the hell are you people doing racial trauma counseling. Who in GOD'S name would require this?Also Inplanting gun control? This is still AMERICA and people do need to protect themselves and their families Especially when immigrants are pouring through this country. (Pretty sure Levi had a sweat shop)
Let me guess. Levi Co. Voted ?? for OBIDIN. Well I guess you deserve this BLM-BURN LOOT BURGEIZE
I was/did wear Levi's until I heard what your doing
Completely DONE with you people- Walmart, gap, ey etc. The word is out on your trashy company. You'll be the next to go out of business. No one wants to buy your trashy CLOTHES Good luck with that
White supremacist.
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Ms. John BjornsonNov 29, 2021
I feas going to the mall to get some levis, unfortunately a violent mobile of blacks stormed the store, beating customers and stealing everything. It was far mire violent tha January 6. It is happening all over the country. Is there any reason I should pay for anything especially racist levis?
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Mr. Clinton OsborneNov 28, 2021
Only for selling super quality jeans. Been wearing Levi’s for 50 years. With there recent announcement on the Rittenhouse not guilty verdict I will not be purchasing another pair of Levi’s or Dockers. So sad.
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Ms. P replied to Mr. Clinton Osborne
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Ms. PNov 29, 2021
Im also done with levi.
Please look them up,, they own other companies, i. E. Walmart gap.
Yes! i am 100% with you brother.
We can not allow this to happen in our country.

I can almost bet levi voted obidin aka brandon!.
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Mr. David CowlesNov 12, 2021
35 years a Levi's man, from my first pair that I bleached, through the relaunch of 501's, the twisty and finally 517 b00t cut, but never never trust the European on line system with a returned item. two pairs returned on the same day and signed for by an employee. one pair credited, but the 2nd pair have vanished along with my credit. Now waiting six weeks? 10's of emails and all delivery and returns notes copied to them along with courier tracking notes, but still no refund. Yes, I know I can go to my bank, but really is this the best you can expect today for brand loyalty.
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Mr. Bruce BennettApr 15, 2021
To whom it may concern. I would like to thank Levi Strauss for stepping forward to express their concern about the attempt to suppress voter participation. Following that information that I received, I heard of the other controls that you have about sourcing and manufacturing you products. I'm proud to be a buyer of your product for many years and will continue being a faithful consumer. THANKYOU
Bruce Bennett
West Cornwall, Ct.
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Ms. Juli Anna CaliforniaApr 10, 2021
Just letting you know that I will no longer be buying Levi products. You think that requiring voter ID is losing democracy, when it's exactly the opposite. We will no longer have fraudulent elections like we did in 2020. You can take your wokeness and stick it up your Levi butt because I will no longer be buying your products and neither will millions of other people.
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Mr. R BaxApr 10, 2021
Done with Levi’s made in China not USA 1st mistake. CEO is a idiot after becoming political will no longer buy any LEVI products. Best advice to the idiot is sell jeans not politics. Good bye.
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Mr. Winford L SampleAug 03, 2020
This is a Levi image issue. With the prominent display of the BLM flag at your stadium movement I can only assume you have read their manifesto and agree with their edict. Your Company and the York family have now alienated so many Americans with your political views. As a 49er. Fan since the Y. A. Title days I feel this has crossed the line and with the disrespect to those who kneel continues the mixing of political views has no place in sports. So goodbye.
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Mr. John DudasSep 19, 2018
Your corporate action by teaming up with Bloomburg lowers your standing comparable with that idiot. After reading the article on gun rights with your company siding with that New York loser, I have decided to finally join the NRA. No more Levi's or Dockers will ever be purchased by anyone from my family. I will add Wranglers to my stock from this point on. Your stance on this issue is completely unamerican and against what we as Americans stand for. I was raised with gun rights and gun safety as everyday knowledge and practice and has supported me throughout my entire adult life which included 21 years in the military. You are now one of the losers in this country and I hope you enjoy your loss.
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Mr. Rocky WilliamsJun 23, 2016
I really wish you would open a new Levi's store in Seattle. I worked at the original Seattle store and it was amazing Seattle is having this boom and it would be awesome to have an actual Levi's store here again. When I work there people would come from Europe and buy tons of jeans Levi's the only brand I can depend on and I miss not having a store here. Thank you.
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Mr. Tom replied to Mr. Rocky Williams
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Mr. TomNov 30, 2021
And you can smash windows and steal everything in seattle, just like portland and chicago. This is exactly where levi should be. Support the looters spout gun control and you will be looted out of business. Fuck levi!.
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Mr. Mayank BansalMay 27, 2016
Dear Team,

Recently, I have purchased three denim jeans from Levis Store, Elente Mall, Chandigarh (India). I noticed, there is a big stamp of Levis on inner side of pocket, on two denim jeans, but there is no stamp on third jeans. Even, the workmanship is not so good of third jeans. I already have one more denim jeans(Black Colour). I checked the stamp on the same and it was there. I have attached the photographs of three new denims and one old denim (black colour). Also, i have attached the Bill of the same. Request you take action and revert me, if the third Denim jeans is original article or not. You can also contact me at below mentioned details. MayankBansal
( +91 98154 95888).
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Mr. Michael AvaspourFeb 23, 2016
Honorable President of the Jean Levis Fabric Company
Re : on a new Sexy Jean Levis Fabric
Yes still none of any Companies to gets on that Design, and on my a new Sexy denim and Cotton Fabric
to be start from you. And How can I to mailing on it, to you
How we can talk about. This is Michael Avaspour an Inventor of Technology State of California 91367
and many years ago then We had on a Company in LA then we closed it,
reason : I have to do on my educating. Then one at home, became on that Design on my mind and by a too honesty, on my a new Design to making on all over Countries Crazy. When you get on a pants and Jacket to walking on every body to watching on you. Too very respectfully
Michael Avaspour
Thank you / Danke Schon auch /Marci de rien / Gracias Tenbien.
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Mr. Michael TharpFeb 13, 2016
I have always loved your 517 jeans,, but after purchasing two new pair last month it will be my last purchase. I followed all the washing directions and these jeans are wrinkled even after I try to iron the wrinkles out. The quality of the material is no even close to what I have purchased from you in the past. They were made in Indonisia. If you even decide to make American Levi again please contact me. Your old product was wash and wear and veery comfortable. These are the worst jeans ever
P. S. My only regret is that is did not keep my receipt and wash and wear a pair before I bought two pair.
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Ms. KARAMOKO N. KADYFeb 02, 2016
ABUJA, two February 2016
Kara N. Kady
+234 8176248830

To dear Levis Strauss foundation
Happy new year, may each day of the new always bring happiness, sweet surprises to you and all your dear ones. My name is Kara, I'm from Africa. Especially in Abuja( Nigeria). Sorry for my bad English. Please do not be offended, I would like to tell you about me:
I would like to set up a business in order to make life better. I have good taste on it, but I have never had chance to be because of poverty. I'm humbly my self to you to seek your help. Please I need your help. I hope to hear from you soon and thank you for your time. Note: I'm not an organization,, but for an individual purpose. I believe I can still expect from you. Once again thanks for your time. Sincerely,
MS kara N. Kady.
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