Lena Chamamyan Address and Contact Number

Lena Chamamyan Contact Phone Number is : +46 3626 82 0846

and Address is Hotorget 8, 111 57 Stockholm, Sweden.
Lena Chamamyan is a Syrian singer-songwriter, known for her soprano voice and unique style, which fuses jazz, Arabic folk music and Western classical music. Recognition first came in 2006, when Lena won the Al Mawred El Thaqafi prize in Cairo, which formed part of the final round of Radio Monte Carlo's first Middle East Music Award. Chamamyan is known for her style of combining folkloric music with modern styles and arrangements, crossing genres and creating a new fusion of both the traditional and the new. She has stated that she keeps an open mind when it comes to musical style. Chamamyan continues to write, compose, produce, and play instruments. She draws inspiration from her Syrian-Armenian roots, folk music, and classical singing. Chamamyan has performed in Europe and the Middle East, including London, Geneva, Cairo, Beirut, Turkey, and the Gulf countries. Chamamyan has collaborated with French-Armenian songwriter and jazz pianist André Manoukian. Chamamyan is considered one of the best singers of her generation. She's known for her interpretations of traditional songs like Komitas' “Sareri Hovin Mernem”. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lena Chamamyan is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lena Chamamyan

The address of Lena Chamamyan is Hotorget 8, 111 57 Stockholm, Sweden..

Contact Number of Lena Chamamyan

The contact number of Lena Chamamyan is +46 3626 82 0846.

Email Address of Lena Chamamyan

The email address of Lena Chamamyan is info@lenachamayan.org.

Website of Lena Chamamyan

The Website of Lena Chamamyan is www.lenachamayan.org.

Contact Person of Lena Chamamyan

The contact person of Lena Chamamyan is Lena Chamamyan.

Lena Chamamyan Source of Knowledge

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