Lauren Jackson Address and Contact Number

Lauren Jackson Contact Phone Number is : +61 (800) 916-6008

and Address is 306/K6 High Street, Windsor VIC 3181, Australia
Lauren Elizabeth Jackson AO is an Australian former professional basketball player. Jackson was recognised as one of the world's best basketball players by the time she was 21. She has been described as Australia's best female player and the best female basketball player in the world. Her athleticism, ability, attitude, strength, and above all her passion, contribute to the phenomenal player and ambassador that she is for the game worldwide. Jackson was a versatile post player who could play with finesse or force. She was able to compete in the paint and play on the perimeter. Jackson was a leader by example and was admired for her strength, determination, and skill. Lauren Jackson stretched nearly six-and-a-half feet into the air, but the shadow she cast over basketball in her native Australia is immeasurable. The most decorated basketball Aussie in history garnered three silver medals in the Olympics to go along with one bronze. Lauren Jackson is retired from basketball after the 2024 Paris Olympics. She had a knee replacement after the games. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lauren Jackson is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lauren Jackson

The address of Lauren Jackson is 306/K6 High Street, Windsor VIC 3181, Australia.

Contact Number of Lauren Jackson

The contact number of Lauren Jackson is +61 (800) 916-6008.

Email Address of Lauren Jackson

The email address of Lauren Jackson is

Website of Lauren Jackson

The Website of Lauren Jackson is

Contact Person of Lauren Jackson

The contact person of Lauren Jackson is Lauren Jackson.

Lauren Jackson Source of Knowledge
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