Lake Windermere Address and Contact Number

Lake Windermere Contact Phone Number is : +44 1539 724555

and Address is Lake District National Park, Cumbria, United Kingdom
Windermere Lake is among the most attractive holiday destinations in England. It is biggest Natural lake in the Country and is come under Lake District National park. The lake is more than 18 Km long, approximate 1.5 Km wide and has maximum depth of 66.76 meter. There are 18 islands attached with the lake include Belle Isle Island. Steamers, launches and ferries Services are available at the lake. There are four boating clubs at the Windermere Lake. The address and contact number of Lake Windermere is also used for Lake Windermere Bc, Lake Windermere Lodges, Lake Windermere Hotels and Lake Windermere Map. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lake Windermere is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lake Windermere

The address of Lake Windermere is Lake District National Park, Cumbria, United Kingdom.

Contact Number of Lake Windermere

The contact number of Lake Windermere is +44 1539 724555.

Email Address of Lake Windermere

The email address of Lake Windermere is .

Website of Lake Windermere

The Website of Lake Windermere is .

Lake Windermere Address Contact Number
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