Lake Phalen Address and Contact Number

Lake Phalen Contact Phone Number is : +1-(651) 632-5111

and Address is 1600 Phalen Drive, Saint Paul, MN 55106, United States
Lake Phalen is a Famous reservoir and as well as a urban lake situated in the Minnesota's capital Saint Paul. The lake is also nestled in the centre of Phalen Regional park System that is one of the Saint Paul's biggest reservoirs. It is surrounded by the beautiful parks, hills and beaches which is spread in 198 acres area. It is one of the most Famous fishing spots of Twin Cities. The address and contact number of Lake Phalen is also used for Lake Phalen Triathlon, Lake Phalen Dragon Festival, Lake Phalen Fishing, Lake Phalen Amphitheater, Lake Phalen Als Walk and Lake Phalen Golf Course. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lake Phalen is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lake Phalen

The address of Lake Phalen is 1600 Phalen Drive, Saint Paul, MN 55106, United States.

Contact Number of Lake Phalen

The contact number of Lake Phalen is +1-(651) 632-5111.

Email Address of Lake Phalen

The email address of Lake Phalen is .

Website of Lake Phalen

The Website of Lake Phalen is

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Lake Phalen Address Contact Number
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