Lake Miramar Address and Contact Number

Lake Miramar Contact Phone Number is : 619 465 3474

and Address is Scripps Ranch, San Diego, California, United States
Lake Miramar is one of the most Famous reservoirs of the U.S. State of California. The lake is also situated in the Scripps Miramar Ranch community of San Diego city. In 1960, the lake was formed by the San Diego County Water Authority as the division of second San Diego Aqueduct project. It has become a beautiful recreation place for the tourists in the city of San Diego which is owned and operated by the San Diego city. The Lake Miramar Reservoir provides fishing, swimming, water Sports, boating and other recreation facilities. The address and contact number of Lake Miramar is also used for Lake Miramar Camping, Lake Miramar Open Hours, Lake Miramar Directions, Lake Miramar weather and Lake Miramar Fishing. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lake Miramar is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lake Miramar

The address of Lake Miramar is Scripps Ranch, San Diego, California, United States.

Contact Number of Lake Miramar

The contact number of Lake Miramar is 619 465 3474.

Email Address of Lake Miramar

The email address of Lake Miramar is .

Website of Lake Miramar

The Website of Lake Miramar is

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Lake Miramar Address Contact Number
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