Lachine Hospital Address and Contact Number

Lachine Hospital Contact Phone Number is : +1(514)-934-8317

and Address is 2155 Guy Street, 200, Montreal Quebec, Canada
Lachine Hospital is a public Hospital, reputed as major academic health centres in the world, known for its exceptional multidisciplinary patient care. The Hospital was set up near the 1935 to fulfill the need of better public Hospital and medical Institute. Lachine Hospital is affiliated with Universite de Montreal Faculty of Medicine, and being operated through Sisters of Providence. The Hospital was established as 'Hopital St-Joseph' later on, got its present name in 1973. The Hospital has well renowned biomedical Research center where Research is organized by eleven Research axes. The Institute has 600 Researchers offer training to approximately 1,000 graduate Students. The address and contact number of Lachine Hospital is also used for Lachine General Hospital, Lachine Hospital Emergency, Lachine Hospital Cardiology, Lachine Hospital Ophthalmology and Lachine Hospital Visiting Hours. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Lachine Hospital is mentioned in below section.

Address of Lachine Hospital

The address of Lachine Hospital is 2155 Guy Street, 200, Montreal Quebec, Canada.

Contact Number of Lachine Hospital

The contact number of Lachine Hospital is +1(514)-934-8317.

Email Address of Lachine Hospital

The email address of Lachine Hospital is .

Website of Lachine Hospital

The Website of Lachine Hospital is

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Lachine Hospital Address Contact Number
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