Khoshi Mahtab Address and Contact Number

Khoshi Mahtab Contact Phone Number is : +93 249401 3785

and Address is AAH 02, PA262902, Los Angles CA, Unites States of America.
Khoshi Mahtab is an Afghan singer who sings in both Pashto and Dari in Afghanistan. Khoshi Mahtab is an ethnically pashtun people singer, who was born in Kabul, Afghanistan, singing in both Dari (Persian) and Pashto. She has been threatened by her family especially her brother and other relatives as well as Taliban to stop singing, but she bravely refused. She got immense success with her songs in the
Afghanistan in very young age. She belongs to a very lower middle class family. In his early life her parents was not supporting him to choose career in music Industry but later she convinced them. Now She is Afghanistan's one of the most successful singer in her time. She fled to Pakistan and is now living in the U.S. with her children. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Khoshi Mahtab is mentioned in below section.

Address of Khoshi Mahtab

The address of Khoshi Mahtab is AAH 02, PA262902, Los Angles CA, Unites States of America..

Contact Number of Khoshi Mahtab

The contact number of Khoshi Mahtab is +93 249401 3785.

Email Address of Khoshi Mahtab

The email address of Khoshi Mahtab is

Website of Khoshi Mahtab

The Website of Khoshi Mahtab is Not known.

Contact Person of Khoshi Mahtab

The contact person of Khoshi Mahtab is Khoshi Mahtab.

Khoshi Mahtab Source of Knowledge

Not known
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