Kentucky Utilities Address and Contact Number

Kentucky Utilities Contact Phone Number is : 1-800-383-5582, (800) 981-0600

and Address is 1, Quality Streets, Lexington, KY-40507, Kentucky, United States
This is a power sector Company of the State delivering its solutions to eighty counties in the United States. This Company is spread in approximately six thousand square feet area and comprising of six hundred electric subStations and produce over five thousand and five hundred megawatts electricity. The Kentucky Utilities is core part of the Louisville Gas and Electric Company and founded in 1912. This is a pioneer and one of the fastest growing companies of the State offering its Services to more than four million people. The address and contact number of Kentucky Utilities is also used for Kentucky Utilitiess georgetown ky, Kentucky Utilities London ky, Kentucky Utilities online bill pay, Kentucky Utilities rebates, Kentucky Utilities outage map and Kentucky Utilities richmond ky. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Kentucky Utilities is mentioned in below section.

Address of Kentucky Utilities

The address of Kentucky Utilities is 1, Quality Streets, Lexington, KY-40507, Kentucky, United States.

Contact Number of Kentucky Utilities

The contact number of Kentucky Utilities is 1-800-383-5582, (800) 981-0600.

Email Address of Kentucky Utilities

The email address of Kentucky Utilities is .

Website of Kentucky Utilities

The Website of Kentucky Utilities is

Contact Person of Kentucky Utilities

The contact person of Kentucky Utilities is Jackie Bennett.

Kentucky Utilities Source of Knowledge
Kentucky Utilities Address Contact Number
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