Kci Airport Address and Contact Number

Kci Airport Contact Phone Number is : +1 816-243-5237

and Address is 601 Brasilia Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri 64153, United States
The Kansas City InterNational Airport (KCI) is a public airport operated by the Kansas City Aviation Department and located in Kansas City, Missouri, United States. The airport has consistently counted among the top five airports in the North America Airport Satisfaction Study as well as used by the approximately 10,469,892 passengers in 2008. In Feb 2010, the Kansas City InterNational Airport was the highest rated airport acquiring five stars in all categories as well as ranked third least miserable airport according to the U.S. News & the World Report in February 2008 based on the forty seven most popular airports in the Country. The Kansas City InterNational Airport covers the area of 10,200 acres and consist three runways. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Kci Airport is mentioned in below section.

Address of Kci Airport

The address of Kci Airport is 601 Brasilia Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri 64153, United States.

Contact Number of Kci Airport

The contact number of Kci Airport is +1 816-243-5237.

Email Address of Kci Airport

The email address of Kci Airport is .

Website of Kci Airport

The Website of Kci Airport is www.flykci.com.

Kci Airport Address Contact Number
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