Kaya Address and Contact Number

Kaya Contact Phone Number is : +91-0172 304 8171

and Address is SCO- 68,69, Ground Floor, Near Hdfc Bank, Madhya Marg, Sector 8C, Sector 8, Chandigarh, 160009, India
Kaya is one of the most favoured beauty destinations world wide established in December 2002 by Marico. Kaya was created after in-depth scientific Research and ample consumer feedback. Kaya has more than one hundred clinics globally with more than seven-Lakh customers. For the perfection of Skin, Kaya Skin Clinic is a one stop destination. The Services of the Kaya include Skin Glow Facials, Fairness and De-Pigmentation, Anti-Acne and Blemishes, Youthful Skin, Laser Hair Reduction, Kaya Bridal and Hair Care. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Kaya is mentioned in below section.

Address of Kaya

The address of Kaya is SCO- 68,69, Ground Floor, Near Hdfc Bank, Madhya Marg, Sector 8C, Sector 8, Chandigarh, 160009, India.

Contact Number of Kaya

The contact number of Kaya is +91-0172 304 8171.

Email Address of Kaya

The email address of Kaya is info@kayaclinic.com.

Website of Kaya

The Website of Kaya is www.kayaclinic.com.

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Kaya Address Contact Number
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