Katja Ebstein Address and Contact Number

Katja Ebstein Contact Phone Number is : +49 6198 2536 32

and Address is Eichborndamm 215 13437 Berlin, Germany
Katja Ebstein is a German singer. She was born in Girlachsdorf. She achieved success with songs such as "Theater" and "Es war einmal ein Jäger". She was married to Christian Bruhn, who wrote many of her songs. Ebstein represented Germany at the Eurovision Song Contest three times, in 1970, 1971 and 1980. Ebstein is a German singer who represented Germany in the Eurovision Song Contest three times. She is considered the most successful performer to have participated in the contest without winning. S achieved success with songs such as "Theater" and "Es war einmal ein Jager". Ebstein has sung musical and film melodies, and has also been active as a reciter. Ebstein has sung and recited lyrics about current events in the world. Katja Ebstein has been a stage performer for over 50 years. Besides the poppy songs and numbers that have made her famous and have become golden oldies. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Katja Ebstein is mentioned in below section.

Address of Katja Ebstein

The address of Katja Ebstein is Eichborndamm 215 13437 Berlin, Germany.

Contact Number of Katja Ebstein

The contact number of Katja Ebstein is +49 6198 2536 32.

Email Address of Katja Ebstein

The email address of Katja Ebstein is katja@heymarly.com.

Website of Katja Ebstein

The Website of Katja Ebstein is www.katja-ebstein.com.de.

Contact Person of Katja Ebstein

The contact person of Katja Ebstein is Christian Bruhn.

Katja Ebstein Source of Knowledge

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