Katie Ledecky Address and Contact Number

Katie Ledecky Contact Phone Number is : +1 (800) 916-6008

and Address is 1 Olympic Plaza Bldg 2A Colorado Springs, CO 80909-5770, USA.
Kathleen Genevieve Ledecky is an American competitive swimmer. She has won nine Olympic gold medals and 21 world championship gold medals, the most in history for a female swimmer. Katie Ledecky's speed as a swimmer is largely the result of her physical strength, endurance, syncopated stroke, body positioning, and dedication to her sport. Unlike many other athletic greats, Ledecky lacks major physical advantages. Ledecky's freestyle stroke is characterized by shorter movements on the left side and longer movements on the right. This approach requires a lot of core strength and maximizes power from the hips. According to YouGov, Ledecky is the 17th most popular contemporary sports personality and the 1546th most popular person of all time. While she hasn't set a new goal for herself just yet, Ledecky said she has been enjoying a break to "soak it all in" after practicing seven days a week for the Paris Games. Her new memoir, "Just Add Water," follows her journey from Bethesda, Maryland, to become one of the greatest athletes of her generation. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Katie Ledecky is mentioned in below section.

Address of Katie Ledecky

The address of Katie Ledecky is 1 Olympic Plaza Bldg 2A Colorado Springs, CO 80909-5770, USA..

Contact Number of Katie Ledecky

The contact number of Katie Ledecky is +1 (800) 916-6008.

Email Address of Katie Ledecky

The email address of Katie Ledecky is katie.ledecky@gmail.com.

Website of Katie Ledecky

The Website of Katie Ledecky is www.katieledeckyswim.com.

Contact Person of Katie Ledecky

The contact person of Katie Ledecky is Anthony Nesty.

Katie Ledecky Source of Knowledge

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