Kathleen Sebelius Address and Contact Number

Kathleen Sebelius Contact Phone Number is : +1-(202) 690-7000

and Address is The White House, 1600, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20500, United States
Kathleen Sebelius is the 66 year old politician of America from Democratic Party. In 2009, she was elected as the 21st United States Secretary in the Department of health and Human Services (HHS). Kathleen was also served as a governor of the U.S. State of Kansas since 2003 who is the second lady to this post of the United States. She was born on 15th May, 1948 in Cincinnati city of Ohio State. Kathleen Sebelius had started its career as the chief lobbyist and executive director of Kansas Trial Lawyers Association. The address and contact number of Kathleen Sebelius is also used for Kathleen Sebelius New Job, Kathleen Sebelius Replacement, Kathleen Sebelius Jon Stewart and Kathleen Sebelius Snl. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Kathleen Sebelius is mentioned in below section.

Address of Kathleen Sebelius

The address of Kathleen Sebelius is The White House, 1600, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C. 20500, United States.

Contact Number of Kathleen Sebelius

The contact number of Kathleen Sebelius is +1-(202) 690-7000.

Email Address of Kathleen Sebelius

The email address of Kathleen Sebelius is Kathleen.Sebelius@hhs.gov.

Website of Kathleen Sebelius

The Website of Kathleen Sebelius is www.hhs.gov.

Kathleen Sebelius Source of Knowledge

Kathleen Sebelius Address Contact Number
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Ms. Kathleen MaxwellMar 19, 2021
Ms. Sebelius, I requested my former manager from the Oregon Insurance Commissioner Office, Joel Ario, to help with a political situation. Unfortunately it resulted in a much needed FQHC being closed in the hood of Reno. Bruce Nigro a NP was caught in the cross fire of an intense multi State and Federal investigation that is now coming to light after 16 years.community Health Alliance, a FQHC, offered services on Record Street in Reno NV that served a medically underserved area. The woman's shelter has since been moved, but Volunteers of America still serves the men in the area. They often will not obtain care anywhere else. There is one gentleman in a wheelchair that is in immediate need of debridement on his leg which in my non medical opinion he will lose in the near future. He will not go anywhere else, but with Bruce Nigro NP at CHA. He had to retire as a result of this situation. Can you possibly help Community Health Alliance obtain their FQHC status?
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