Kate Allen Address and Contact Number

Kate Allen Contact Phone Number is : +61 1865 335601

and Address is 101 Allen Street, Hamilton, Qld 4007, Australia
Katherine Jessie Jean "Kate" Allen is an Australian-Austrian triathlete. She won the gold medal in the women's triathlon at the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens. Kate Allen grew up on a 1,000-hectare (2,500-acre) sheep-farming property with her three brothers at Teesdale, Victoria in southeastern Australia. From an early age her parents encouraged her to run, and she used to frequently jog to primary school some 3 kilometres from home. At the age of four Allen began participating in Little Athletics at Landy Field in Geelong. After some years of successful racing around Europe with her former coach Mario Huys Allen received Austrian citizenship in 2002 and started racing in the World Cup. Just eight years after beginning the sport, Allen won the 2004 Olympic triathlon in Athens. At the end of the swim leg Allen was in 44th place in the field of 51. After the bicycle leg she was in 28th. During the run she progressively overtook twenty seven competitors to power past then-leader Australian Loretta Harrop just 150 metres from the finish line, winning the race in emphatic style. Hailing from Canton, Ohio, award-winning author M. Kate Allen enjoys reading and writing about places as characters. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Kate Allen is mentioned in below section.

Address of Kate Allen

The address of Kate Allen is 101 Allen Street, Hamilton, Qld 4007, Australia.

Contact Number of Kate Allen

The contact number of Kate Allen is +61 1865 335601.

Email Address of Kate Allen

The email address of Kate Allen is kate@kateallenbooks.com.

Website of Kate Allen

The Website of Kate Allen is www.kateallenbooks.com.

Contact Person of Kate Allen

The contact person of Kate Allen is Kate Allen.

Kate Allen Source of Knowledge

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