Kanchi Mutt Address and Contact Number

Kanchi Mutt Contact Phone Number is : 04427222115

and Address is Raja St, Periya, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu 631502 India
The Kanchi Mutt is an Institution of Hindu Spartan. The full name of the Institute is Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam Sankara Mutt. The Kanchi Mutt Institute is located at Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu. The Institute is one of the Five Pancha-Bhuta-Sthalas. The meaning of the Five Pancha-Bhuta-Sthalas is the Temple denoting the five Elements. The five elements or materials represent the Earth (Kanchipuram), Sky (Chidambaram), Air (Kalahasti), Fire (Thiruvannamalai) and Water (Thirvanaikoil). The Institute also called the Shri Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam. It is founded by the Adi Sankara who was the head of Matha. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Kanchi Mutt is mentioned in below section.

Address of Kanchi Mutt

The address of Kanchi Mutt is Raja St, Periya, Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu 631502 India.

Contact Number of Kanchi Mutt

The contact number of Kanchi Mutt is 04427222115.

Email Address of Kanchi Mutt

The email address of Kanchi Mutt is .

Website of Kanchi Mutt

The Website of Kanchi Mutt is .

Kanchi Mutt Source of Knowledge

Kanchi Mutt Address Contact Number
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Mr. G RangarajanAug 10, 2023
Very good information. To send details of donation sent please provide the mail ID Regards G Rangarajan .
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