Kanas Srs Address and Contact Number

Kanas Srs Contact Phone Number is : (785) 296-2500, Fax : Fax: (785) 296-5666

and Address is 500 Van Buren, Topeka Kanas 66603
The Kanas Department for Children and Families was established in year 1973 to oversee the Delivery of social Services and to provide the care to the people who are in jeopardy. It was formerly known as SRS. It serves the large number of people in the State of Kanas. The Programs undertaken by the Agency include Child Support Services, Economic and Employment Services, Prevention and Protection Services, OffICE of the General Council, Operations, Rehabilitation Services and Strategic Development, Faith based and Community initiatives. The contact information like email address, telephone number, website and postal cum official address of Kanas Srs is mentioned in below section.

Address of Kanas Srs

The address of Kanas Srs is 500 Van Buren, Topeka Kanas 66603.

Contact Number of Kanas Srs

The contact number of Kanas Srs is (785) 296-2500, Fax : Fax: (785) 296-5666.

Email Address of Kanas Srs

The email address of Kanas Srs is .

Website of Kanas Srs

The Website of Kanas Srs is .

Kanas Srs Source of Knowledge

Kanas Srs Address Contact Number
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